
Drycleaning detergent

Staticol is a multi-fabric detergent that deals effectively with different fabrics properties to minimize lint porblems and static cling, and suspending loosened soils to prevent redeposition.

Small amount of water are present and necessary in the drycleaning process to help remove water-soluble soilds. Water can be added in the drycleaning process, and clothes can pick up moisture from the air. But perc and water do not mix. Before moisture can be put to work, it must first be solubilized into the drycleaning solvent. Staticol effectively solubilizes the moisture, enabling it to gently and safely flush away water soluble soil, along with the perc-soluble soil to produce cleaner garments with less need for after spottting or recleaning.

With its excellent suspension properties, Staticol suspends loosened soils to prevent redeposition, thus clothes appear cleaner and brighter. Because of Staticol's outstanding static control properties, lint problems and static cling are minimized during the cleaning process..

Pack size: 6 bottles x 1 U.S. gallon (3.785 litre) per carton